Module 1: Medical Terminology
Module 2: Fundamentals
Module 3: Nursing Process & Critical Thinking
Module 4: Health Assessments
Module 5: Nursing Skills
Module 6: Activities of Daily Living
Module 7: Nutrition & Fluid Balance
Module 8: Safety and Infection
Module 9: IV Skills
Module 10: Cardiac
Module 11: Neuro
Module 12: Respiratory
Module 13: GI and GU
Module 14: Metabolic and Endocrine
Module 15: General Body Systems
Module 16: Pediatrics
Module 17: Mental Health
Module 18: OB Maternity
Module 19: Lab Values and Diagnostics
Module 20: Pharmacology Basics
Module 21: OB Pharmacology
Module 22: Pharmacology Skills
Module 23: Community Health Nursing
Module 24: Test Taking and Study Techniques
Module 25: Communication for Nurses
Module 26: Psychosocial Communication
Module 27: Transition to Practice
Module 28: First Year In Nursing
Module 29: Exploring Nursing Education and Careers
MedTerm Body as a Whole
- Body As A Whole
- Cavities
- Direction
- Planes
- Common Terms
Nursing Points
- Cavities
- Cranial
- Crani/o
- Pertains to the cranium
- Thoracic
- Thorac/o
- Pertains to the thorax/chest
- Abdominal
- Abdomin/o
- Pertains to the abdomen
- Pelvic
- Pelv/o
- Pertains to the pelvic cavity
- Spinal
- Spin/o
- Pertains to the spinal cavity
- Cranial
- Directions & Positional
- Anterior &Posterior
- Anterior (anter/o)
- Toward the front of the body
- Posterior (poster/o)
- Toward the back side of the body
- Anterior (anter/o)
- Deep & Superficial
- Deep
- Away from the surface
- Superficial
- Toward the surface
- Deep
- Proximal & Distal
- Proximal (proxim/o)
- Closest to the body
- Distal(dist/o)
- Furthest from the body
- Proximal (proxim/o)
- Inferior & Superior
- Inferior (infer/o)
- Toward the feet
- Superior (super/o)
- Toward the head
- Inferior (infer/o)
- Medial & Lateral
- Medial (medi/o)
- Toward midline
- Lateral (later/o)
- Away from midline
- Medial (medi/o)
- Supine & Prone
- Supine
- Lying on back
- Prone
- Lying on abdomen
- Supine
- Anterior &Posterior
- Planes
- Frontal
- Coronal plane
- Divides the body into anterior & posterior structures
- Sagittal
- Lateral plane
- Divides body into right & left sides
- Transverse plane
- Cross-sectional or axial plane
- Divides body into upper & lower portions
- Frontal
- Common terms
- abdomin/o – abdominal
- cervic/o – neck
- chondr/o – cartilage or joint
- crani/o – skull
- cyt/o – cell
- hist/o – tissue
- ventr/o – belly
- ana – up
- cata – down
- epi – above
- hyper – excessive/above
- hypo – below/low
- inter – between
- intra – within/into
- infra – below (or inferior to)
- meta – change
Nursing Concepts
- Clinical Judgment
- Communication